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AGM 2023

In accordance with Section 6.1 of the Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club Rule Book, please be advised that the 2023 AGM will be held at the Club on Saturday 8th April 2023 at 3pm.  It is our intention that this meeting will be live streamed via Zoom.
Under Rule 6.2 members are required to notify the Secretary of any business they wish to discuss at the AGM by Saturday 11th March 2023.
If you wish to stand, the form for Nominations for Officers and the General Committee is attached (click on link below). As per Rule 4.2; 'A member shall be eligible for nomination to the General Committee provided that he or she has been a member for at least one full year immediately prior to their election'.

Forms are also available from the Office and the lobby of the Clubhouse.  Please complete and return this to the Secretary, either by email or post. Proposers & Seconders do not need to physically sign the form but can email the office with their agreement to Propose/Second instead.  Please note that any completed forms need to be returned to the Secretary by 5pm – Saturday 11th March 2023.

Click Here to download Nomination Form
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